Downtown Kinston Revitalization


Tourism and DevelopmentAmusement/EntertainmentEconomic DevelopmentTourism Attraction

About Us

What Is Pride of Kinston?
The mission of Pride of Kinston, Inc., established in 1984, is to lead downtown revitalization in Kinston using the Main Street approach developed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, which promotes economic development within the context of historic preservation.

Pride of Kinston is one of 57 Main Street communities in NC in a program coordinated by the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Division of Community Assistance.

The Main Street idea is to stimulate all aspects of downtown development emphasizing public-private partnerships while stressing quality, self-help and incremental improvement using an array of local assets. Main Street programs have four key elements:

Organization - Effective public-private partnerships;

Promotion - Marketing strategies and events to establish downtown as an attractive place for shoppers, investors and visitors;

Design - Projects and activities to enhance the overall attractiveness of downtown;

Economic Restructuring - Economic development strategies to strengthen the economic base of the downtown business district.

Current Activities...

To carry out its mission, the Pride of Kinston, Inc.'s current year program consists of a multi-faceted array of activities, some with short term goals and objectives, and others with long term implications for the community. A summary of current initiatives follows:

Kinston's Waterfront - Now! Task Force
Incentives for Downtown Development
Kinston's Museum Row and related tourism interests


  • Organization - Effective public-private partnerships;
  • Promotion - Marketing strategies and events
  • Design - Projects and activities to enhance the overall attractiveness of downtown;
  • Economic Restructuring - Economic development strategies to strengthen the economic base of downtown business district


Downtown Kinston
By way of a Facade Grants program, Pride has helped to rejuvenate retail shopping in the Herritage Landing shopping corridor in downtown Kinston.
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Santa Claus, the guest of honor in Kinston's annual Christmas parade, was escorted by a platoon of police cars to end the parade consisting of 99 enthusiastic and colorful participating units.
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Pride support for landscaping, painting and other physical improvements have turned a forlorn Farmers Market into an exciting shopping destination with guidance of the Lenoir County Cooperative Extension Center
Pride sponsors annual downtown Clean Up Day
The Neuse River, a major asset for downtown Kinston and Lenoir County
Pride's concert series Sand in the Streets draws huge crowds to Kinston's downtown Pearson Park.
Pride's annual Run for the River attracts hundreds of local & visiting runner athletes who compete for cash & medals in Kinston 8000 8K race, & One Mile Fun Run.
Pride's concert series Sand in the Streets draws huge crowds to Kinston's downtown Pearson Park.
Billboards, newspaper, radio and television advertising are features of Pride's marketing program to alert the community of the annual Sand in the Streets summer concert series.
Sponsors such as Pepsi's Minges Bottling Company, Realo Discount Drug stores, & R.A. Jeffreys Distributing Company, & many others, make the summer concert series Sand in the Streets possible.

Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Leon Steele
Executive Director