How to Jumpstart Your Local Art Lesson Business

If you’re an artistic soul but you’re also drawn to entrepreneurship, you may wonder how to combine your interests. Stereotypes dictate that artists and business people are somehow in opposition, but in fact, many of the most successful entrepreneurs achieve success because of their artistic inclinations — and vice versa. Find out how you can leverage both of these traits to start an art lesson business — and how, as a solopreneur, you can find the tech help you need.


Types of Art Lessons You Can Give


Many parents discover the joy of arts and crafts while enjoying creative activities with their kids. Teaching art lessons allows you to share this joy with others and monetize a valuable skill. There are many kinds of art lessons you can offer, including popular options such as painting, drawing, or collage.


If you have any expertise in other art forms — such as pottery — you could even host ceramics classes. Ceramics offer a great opportunity to build artistic talents while exploring a unique medium. Pottery classes can also teach students the importance of patience and the value of trusting the process. Some artists also suggest that pottery can have a calming effect.


Solopreneurs who need help with hosting classes can find help from temp and freelance artists looking to build their work history. If you live near a local college, for example, you may be able to hire a freelance art student to assist with your classes. This can help you balance your workload and boost business, too.


Resources That Can Help Your Business


Getting assistance from a freelance artist is a great way to help your burgeoning art lesson business. There are many other resources, too, that can be just as helpful. One tech resource that could be helpful is a scheduling app that allows you to manage your class schedules, oversee enrollment, and ensure tuition is paid.


Solopreneurs who decide to start an LLC for their art lesson business can also benefit from a receipt organizer app. Funds that you spend on class supplies and other business-related expenditures may be tax-deductible, so it’s important to hold onto your receipts for when you file. When you decide to form a North Carolina LLC for your business, you can save a lot of time and money by partnering with a formation service rather than hiring a lawyer.


If you plan on hosting art lessons out of your home, you can create the perfect space by repurposing a spare room in your house and dedicating it to arts and crafts. If you do so, be sure that you document any upgrades that you make so that you can receive an accurate appraisal if you choose to sell your home in the future.


Find Success as a Solopreneur Art Instructor


According to experts, art is one of the best stress relievers. It’s just as beneficial for kids as it is for adults. Any artist who wants to share their talents with others can do so — and capitalize on it — by offering art lessons. If you do, hiring a freelance helper can be a great decision, and there are several tech resources that can help, too. When you start an LLC, save money with a formation service so that you can afford to renovate your spare room.


Take it to the next level by joining the Kinston, NC Chamber of Commerce. Membership to the Chamber of Commerce can give solopreneurs starting an art business access to invaluable resources including networking opportunities, free advertising, and expert advice. Additionally, joining the chamber opens up a world of opportunity and gives artists a platform to make their business stand out.